Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Parris: Resurrected

Hello World.

I must admit- blogging is fun.

I went on a sabbatical because I got tired of blogging.

I'm ready to blog again.

I'm trying to decide about the theme. Blogger now provides some professional themes. Should I bring my "made-from-scratch" theme? We'll see.

Andy wins a prize of some sorts. Before I said anything about my new blog (I wondered if anyone would find it while making preparations before announcing it) Andy left this comment using's commenting feature, which is now disabled for Haloscan's comments:

"he's back! i found you! i am looking forward to more of your posting! By the way parris, you and I should chat sometime. Take care"

Congratulations Andy.

Thanks to Yeiserman for the blogging suggestion.

DLo, take off that wretched woman's link and put this baby up there.

Hinton, Let's duke it out some more...

Hello World.

[this post is brought to you by the tax payers of america]

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