Friday, October 28, 2005


College is finished...change has come and continues to come. So to, the blog has changed: an infrequently updated blog has become a blog medically declared to be in a persistent vegetative state. Nonetheless, the blog continues with a pulse every three months. Consider this the Q4 post.

Life has changed significantly since I've left Louisville. Florida has become my new home. The transition was not as tough as it could have been. Cumulating a year of experience down here made it easy to move and begin work. There are still aspects of the longest part of life (from age 22 to 65) to which I'm becoming acclimated.

Getting together with friends no longer happens spontaneously. These events must be planned days, sometimes months, in advanced. To ensure their success, they require multiple phone calls and personal visits to coordinate. It's almost like scheduling meetings at work, except no one has a "personal life" shared Outlook Calendar available.

Breakfast is the same: usually not eaten. Lunch is the same: hot crappy food is available for purchase. Dinner has changed: now have time to cook a decent meal.

Coordinating events is much more complicated than it was before. People have families, commitments, weekly events that they have been doing for 10 years of their life. It's hard to work with everyone's schedule. It's hard for them to "break free." Again, an Outlook calendar system would help.

Trips to the grocery, doing laundry, and washing the car have become "exciting."

Everyone is wiser. (Everyone is older than me.)

Louisville sports are not broadcast down here. There are too many better teams to compete for TV time- like the University of South Florida.

College isn't a big deal anymore. Everyone's done it.

Life does not consist of as much change anymore. Change occured every semester with new classes and new activities. Now, everyday is the same: Sleep for eight hours, work for eight hours, talk to Katie for two hours, eat and watch tv for an hour, and fill rest of time with other weekly activity: play soccer, church music practice, bible study, retreat planning.

Future life events: marriage, kids, retirement.

Did I say that everyone is older down here?

Work friends, church friends, soccer friends will never be as close as college friends.

Sense of accomplishment has dramatically decreased. College forces one to be productive: tests, grades, and extra-cirricular activities. It takes work, a lot of work, to find venues where one can feel productive and a contributing member of society.

I have a lot of time on my hands with not enough activities with which to fill.

I am now a friend / family member that "comes into town" for holidays.

Look for some photos of my daily life. Maybe it'll become a photo blog...

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