In began two weeks ago when Morris called while Katie and I were in Phase 2. He was asking me to help him with his flat tire in the back of Phase 2. As I approached his abandoned car, I noticed a note atop a lunch cooler which sat atop his closed trunk. I knew his didn't have a flat tire, but I was curious what was in the cooler. As I got closer, I noticed three familiar faces releasing a slingshot to my far left. The water balloon sped towards me and I got soaked. I read the note with yells of aggression in the background as they charged at me with backpacks full of water balloons: "You might need these. -Matt, Robb, Mikey" I knew what was in the cooler and prepared for battle. I think that I got each of them, maybe even twice. It was a good surprise.
Unfortunately, the ambush was meant for the four of us at Phase 2- Greg, Jason, Dave, and me. After the ambush, Momo, Robb, Mikey, Dave, Katie, and I all sat at Hiene Brothers planning the next ambush for Greg and Jason. That ambush happened tonight, after Robb, Greg, and Jason finished their final.
Preparations beagn at 17:00 with filling 180 "official water grenade balloons."

The Mole (Robb) was to call us when the package was in the open (Greg and Jason were done with their final). While those three were taking their final, Matt, Dave, Mikey, Katie and I went to the western parking lot of Natural Sciences building at 19:30 to await Greg and Jason. The bait was the same, a flat tire but this time we set up my car as the decoy.
To make the story more believable we decided to have a spare tire out and the trunk open. We had 60 water balloons nearby the spare tire with a Haiku written by Dave addressed to them: "When engaged in war, proper ammo is prudent. So grab your balloons!" We had 30 balloons waiting for Robb outside of the door of WS Speed. Katie agreed to serve as an intermediary between the infantry (me) and the artillery (Mikey, Dave, and Momo)- I would give Katie the signal who then would give Matt, Dave, and Mikey the signal that Greg and Jason were coming. Everything was ready. Now we just had to wait.

The waiting was becoming unbearable since we had no clue when they would get done with their final. It started at 18:30 and could end as late as 21:00. We were persistent, nonetheless. To pass the time, we decided to practice with the slingshot.

All the waiting paid off, Robb, during the test, called Momo as the signal that one of them was handing in the test so we took our stations. In addition to Robb's call, we had visual confirmation that Jason got out of the test and walked across Speed to Vogt to wait for Greg to get done. Robb soon followed suit out of WS Speed and waited on the eastern side of WS Speed to watch for Greg leaving the building after he was done with his test. Soon afterwards, Jason walked back from Vogt to the other side of WS Speed to presumably wait by Greg's car. Greg then walked out of the western exit of WS Speed and was on the phone, presumably with Jason coordinating their departure from Speed in Greg's truck. Greg then walked around the southern tip of WS Speed to meet with Jason. It was time to implement the plan.
Upon seeing all of this transpire, it was my job as the scout to bait Greg and Jason to come over. I called Jason to tell him that I had a flat tire across the street of Speed. He mentioned that he had seen a white car across the street with the trunk open. I told him that it was my car that he saw and that I needed help getting the tire off. He said that Greg and Jason would be right over to help. I then gave the signal to Katie, who then gave the signal to the sling shot team. After giving Katie the signal, I noticed the sling shot team change within a second from a casual to a frantic appearance. I knew that they had gotten the signal.
At that time, Robb was walking toward Eastern Pkwy on the western side of WS Speed to retrieve his ammunition. As he was going to cross the street, I noticed Jason and Greg in La Maz (Greg's Mazda truck) at the Speed parking lot traffic light. I frantically signaled for Robb to move by means of the subterrain tunnel. He quickly ducked into the tunnel and crossed over below. At that point, Greg and Jason were pulling up to my car. It was show time.
From the bushes, I watched Jason get out of the truck and circle around my abandoned car to check which tire was flat. Greg was behind him also scoping out the scene. As soon as they had gotten on the north side of the car, there was a balloon hurtling towards them from the artillery. It hit next to Jason's feet. The war had officially begun.
I came out of hiding and started throwing balloons with Robb right behind me. Mikey, Dave, and Momo ran from their position with their balloons to engage the targets. Jason ran and got into Greg's truck while Greg ran the other way into the Natural Sciences building. Apparently they didn't notice the note or abundant ammunition left for them.
Jason had the door of the truck locked, but that didn't help him because the window was 1/4 open. Three of us pummeled the truck as the other two chased after Greg. I then got Jason's ammo and handed it to him through the window and he got out to fight. It was a fun, yet brutal skirmish. The water grenades proved to be durable as half of them didn't break upon bodily contact. The dent in the side of my car from a test grenade earlier in the day also attests to their durability.
Robb chased Greg into the building, got him from behind and ran out of the building. When Robb returned, he ordered all forces to converge on Jason. We threw balloons at each other until we were tired. When we were through, we gathered to laugh about the whole charade.

Then the cops came.

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