Saturday, September 27, 2003

Abortion Mill

What is the difference between the Holocaust and Abortion? One was about exterminating Jewish people while the other is exterminating unwanted, unborn people. At least the Jews could fight against the Nazis if they felt compelled.

I do not mean to make out the Holocaust less than what it was, but instead manifest abortion in its true light.

A friend that I met from church has begun a pregnancy crisis ministry where he gives free ultrasounds (The abortion clinic charges $70 to have one and purposefully only show the mother a view from the top down of her baby- only the top of the head. This is so the mother does not see the side profile, the feet and hands and face. They distort the truth to "benefit" an already emotionally wreaked mother.) After seeing their baby in its entirety, all but two have decided not to abort the pregnancy. Over 200 lives have been saved by giving the mothers free ultrasounds.

My friend parks the emptied out RV with large lettering on the side advertising the service in front of the abortion clinic in Orlando. He offers $100 to any woman willing to come inside and get an ultrasound. Money talks. Lives have been saved.

Abortion is wrong. I have heard many reasons why it's wrong and have seen many presentations- including one on campus by the Genocide Awareness Project or GAP. I have even given a presentation to my junior year AP US History class attempting to swade the class to Pro-Life. I know that from my presentation, I at least changed my teacher's perspective on the issue. I decide to put my stance in practice by visiting the abortion clinic with my friend, observing him try to save lives of the innocent.

I didn't know what to expect, so I was nervous on the hour drive to Orlando. I had, in mind, the stereotype of abortion protests where a group of people have signs and are chanting and yelling Pro-Life phrases to convince others that they are killing babies. I really didn't think about what to expect- most situations are better left to be a surprise.

When I got there, I was surprised. There were only about ten people on the sidewalk in front of the abortion clinic. Two girls my age were praying the rosary to one side and next to them were a group of four seniors praying from a prepared prayer service. The others stood on the sidewalk with pamphlets and a graphic picture of an aborted fetus. I expected to find Pro-Choice people there as well, but there were none. Only Pro-Life people who were praying and pleading with the mothers that walked in and out of the clinic. There weren't any heated debates or angered yelling, only pleading and prayer full of compassion.

I have seen the graphic pictures, I have heard the reasons, but the most convincing experience was what I saw today. A woman walked into the clinic at about 7:00 in the morning. About three hours later she walked out with a small bag full of pamphlets and Post-abortion information. Her face showed her emotional exhaustion and considerable emotional pain and clearly conveyed that she had just aborted her pregnancy. Walking into the clinic there were two lives. Walking out, there was now only one.

I was standing in front of a concentration camp- a house of death.

We were there from about 7:00 till 11:00. Not many mothers came today- about ten or so. Some were coming for post-abortion checkups while others were getting pregnancy tests and gathering information about abortion. The pro-life advocates tried to talk to everyone. Some mothers listened while others walked away. One flicked a cigarette at my friend. I came to observe to see what his ministry was all about. I experienced emotions of sadness and compassion. At one point, I was nauseous of the thought that they just prepared the mothers in groups of five, as the abortionist went from room to room aborting life. Abortion is a well-defined process.

I plan on going back next Saturday. In the meantime, much prayer is needed for the innocent lives that are being slaughtered, which happens seven days a week, not only in the 5 abortion clinics in Orlando, but in all abortion clinics around the country.

Help me pray for the lives of the innocent.