Saturday, August 18, 2007

Phone fiasco - Part 1

Katie and I had lived in Florida for over a year so it was time for us to switch from a Kentucky phone number to a Florida phone number. She was a member of AT&T’s Family Plan with her brother, as I was a member with my parents. Mooching on another’s plan is a good way of keeping the monthly bill low. In considering other companies, we decided to stay with AT&T. Our service had been pretty good and most of the people we know have AT&T, so the “unlimited mobile-to-mobile” would significantly defray our anytime minutes.

At work, there was an “AT&T employee day” where representatives came out with all their little goodies and promotions. Katie and I wanted the 700 minute Family plan and the Nokia 6126, the best freebie phone available. The other benefit of AT&T is that I get an employee discount on the monthly rate. For the Employee Day to honor this, I had to bring over a printout of the webpage showing the discount. To no avail, the webpage read “Sorry for the inconvenience. We are upgrading our webpage to better serve you.” I didn't know how long I would be inconvenienced, so it was frustrating waiting for them to better serve me while everyone else was grabbing up all the good stuff. After about an hour or so of waiting, the webpage finally came up and I went over to claim my goodies.

I walked over there and it was a zoo; wherever there are gadgets, there will be engineers. After waiting in line for some time, I asked if they had the Nokia 6126 available. They didn’t. Luckily, I had other freebies as backups. “Do you have the Ericsson W300i?” They didn’t. “Do you have the Samsung SGH-D840?” They didn’t. “Do you have the Nokia 6085?” They had a few left. I don’t even know why I tried for other phones, because our first choice was available on their website where I could still get the employee discount.

I went back to my desk empty handed and went to place my order on AT&T’s website. I had the family plan and phones selected and clicked order. A message came back saying that they could not process my order. The family plans were somehow not subject to the Employee Discount anymore. It was available the day before! Why's it not available anymore? I’m convinced that the change happened while they were upgrading their webpage to better serve me. Baaah

So I decided to look at third party wireless providers that had good deals on AT&T phones. The best deal by far was off of Wal-Mart’s website. They offered better phones for free, plus a free 1GB memory card, and after all that, we would get a clean $100 back in rebates. Katie and I selected our phones, we selected the family plan again, and I placed the order. Two hours later, I received an e-mail from Wal-Mart:

Thank you for placing an order with Walmart Connection Center. AT&T has evaluated your credit and cannot approve you with zero deposit at this time. Your current order cannot be processed until we hear from you. Please contact us to discuss your options.

I remembered not filling in a previous address when filling out the order, and thought adding that would help approve my credit. I canceled that order and placed another one with a previous address. An hour later, I got the following e-mail:

At your earliest convenience, please give us a call. Before we can continue fulfillment of your order, we need to discuss the following issue(s) with you:

A. The carrier you have selected, AT&T, has evaluated your credit and cannot approve you for activation at this time. However, another carrier available in your market has approved you without deposit. Please let us know what you would like to do.

Why won’t AT&T approve me for activation at this time? And why would another carrier offer me not deposit?

More to come!


Michael said...

Sounds typical to me.
But I know you got your phone, so I'll have to wait for part 2 to find out how.....

Michael said...

Why does your Blog only show ONE entry at a time?

Parris said...

Because that's what I've set it to...

Michael said...

You setting it to is "HOW" (what caused) your blog to only show one entry at a time.

I asked "WHY" (for what reason) does your Blog only show one entry at a time?

But this is a philosophical question much deeper than your Phone fiasco....

Dave said...

More important is why Parris hasn't posted anything since August for crying out loud! I've been waiting since August to hear the conclusion of the phone story. Every day I check and nothing. You can only imagine my dissapointment. It is not like he has a job or anything. The public masses deserve more posts. It is our right!