Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hit the Penguin- Results

Thanks to everyone who played. Below are the scores. Below are also variations of the original game for your enjoyment.

From the looks of it, I’d say that the limits of what scores are possible were found. 323.5, 207.6, 188.9, and 64.1 seem to be the best possible scores able to be won in the various categories. I tried to verify these on the internet somehow by seeing what other people got. One person claimed to get 207.8 and 211 for the far stuck and one person claimed to get 56.3 on the close belly (but by a fluke in the game). I don’t know if I believe these- they didn’t provide a screenshot, you know ;)

I tried to verify the limits of the game first by trial and error, but then by using a macro program that lets you record and edit the clicks of the mouse and the time (within milliseconds) between the clicks and replay them within the flash game. I tried to use this program to edit the time between the mouse clicks to the precise time needed to get the best scores. When I tried this, I quickly found that there is some randomness built into the program to prevent this. With the time between mouse clicks was kept constant (one to make the penguin start to fall and the next to hit the penguin), I was getting different results every time. I have four thoughts about this:

1) The falling speed of the penguin changes randomly within a certain range with each hit attempt while the time the penguin spends walking off the edge is kept constant.

2) The falling speed of the penguin is constant with each attempt and the time it takes the penguin to walk off the edge is variable within a certain range.

3) Both falling speed and time it takes the penguin to jump are variable.

4) The whole outcome of what you do, within certain thresholds, is totally random.

I’ve never looked at flash code before, but I tried and did find a random statement in there. I’m not good enough to know what it’s for, but there is some randomness. For all we know, those that got the highest scores just may have good luck…

Far belly
323.5- Mikey, Dlo, Vanessa
323.4- Yeiser
321.1- Bryan
320.2- Hinton

Far stuck
207.6- Yeiser, Vanessa
207.5- Dlo
207- Mikey

Close belly
65.4- Bryan, Vanessa
65.5- Yeiser
69.2- Dlo
153.1- Mikey

Close stuck
188.9- Bryan, Vanessa
189.2- Dlo
189.7- Yeiser
190.2- Mikey

Original Version

Home-Run Version

Leap Frog Version

Random Version

Slow Version

Forth and Back Version

Bloody Version

1 comment:

lasoski said...


I saw that yeiser got 65.5 so I had to try it and got it pretty easily. So, I'll send you screen shots. I just wanted everyone else to know (especially yeiser) that I am awesome.

Or maybe just lucky ;)